Holi Rangoli-2

vijaysowmya's picture
About Holi Rangoli-2 : PRINT

After reading the message from admin I thought to ask my neighbor's son to do the spoiling work of my Holi rangoli No 1. Always he is not allowed to touch my kolams(not by me)but today when I told him he has to spoil he felt extremely happy to do and started his work immediately with all my colors and after so much of work he got the end product which is seen by you all. Finally he was satisfied with the work and wrote his name on it. The immense satisfaction which I saw in his face is priceless. Hope you also liked his work.....Enjoy!!!

Rangoli: Holi Rangoli-2


rajamma_2's picture

After holi, my rangoli also faced the same treatment, since I had no time to see the Admn's message, I could not click the photo to share with u all.

Vinci's picture

The picture conveys the kid's happiness. What is his name, NIE.SH? Nitish?

Suguna Murugesan's picture

so u have given priceless joy n a suitable rangoli to ikolam members n to ur neighbour's son!-suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Aahaa...real holi ur neighbour's son has played....

bsindhuja's picture

Your neighbour's son has thoroughly enjoyed himself !!

subashini's picture

lovely work done by him.I also want to know his name.

smahalakshmi's picture

Wow, this is extremely beautiful. Hope your neighbour's son has enjoyed a lot.