
lakshmiraghu's picture
About Vishu : PRINT

This is the flower rangoli drawn for VISHU this year. It was created by Bharathi and myself.

Rangoli: Vishu


sjnt's picture

The designs with wet maavu on the leaves gives a good finish and design. Good idea.

lakshmiraghu's picture

jayanthiji thank u so much

viji_j86's picture

very nice creation.
Happy vishu to all of you.(Lakshmis family, Bharathi and pinky) All other my Ikolam friends

lakshmiraghu's picture

Viji madam thank u

jayamohan's picture

Nice one, Lakshmi, Bharthy and Pinki! Which leaves you have used in this? Maavilai and karuveppilai?

lakshmiraghu's picture

jayaji thank rendume illai. but i don't know the name .....

rajamma_2's picture

Lakshmi, dotted leaves kannai parikkudhu.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Rajamma ji thank uuuu

jkmrao's picture

This is quite pleasing to the eyes. My nose too would have enjoyed if I were there Smile
Is there any significance to the white flour dots or are they just for decorative
purposes? I get a strange feeling as if the flowers were decorated on a woman's hair
(jaDe). The little curve at the top gives even a motion. The floor too too adds
an extra colour to the picture! Good job!

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

mOhanaji thank u so much.the dots with flour only for decorative purposose.

indira sundar's picture

Lakshmi very nice. Srenithy liked it very much

gowri_ana's picture

This kolam generates some sort of happiness ... Thanks for such an excellent kolam and innovation on the leaves.