Christmas tree

Purni's picture


Lata's picture

Welcome to ikolam Dharun! Thank you for sharing your Christmas tree with all the other kids, aunties and uncles! Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Dharun beautifull Christmas tree..looks nice ...hey.. u also dear...all the best....

viji_j86's picture

Hi Dharun. You looks so swwwwweeeeeeeettttttt
Your decoration is very nice. Keep doing chellam

indira sundar's picture

Hi Dharun! superb Kanna.

rajamma_2's picture

One more cute little kid to ikolam. Dharun you have done a very good job.

Purni's picture

Thanks a lot Rajamma paati, Indira aunty, viji aunty, Lakshmi aunty and last but not least, a very hearty thanks to Lata aunty...... i would ask mumma to upload all my drawings and colouring work soon..... thank you so much....


judelined's picture

Dharun the christmas tree looks as cute as you darling...

madhuharini's picture

Sooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet as u kanna.

Purni's picture

Thank you Judy aunty & Madhu aunty.....