Nine patterns in a 9x9 rangOli

jkmrao's picture
About Nine patterns in a 9x9 rangOli : PRINT

While I did a few patterns on a 10x10 grid, I found ten is an even number and the pattern does not have a central "point". I thought why not a 9x9 grid? I took a well known 3x3 pattern which everyone knows except that I did it with strings long ago ( ). I repeated this nine times and connected them in such a way that only one line results. This looks a bit like svAstika. Others too can try 9x9 patterns. May be laTAji may open a folder for this too Smile

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Nine patterns in a 9x9 rangOli


viji_j86's picture

Nice creation sir.
It does looks like swastika.

jkmrao's picture

Sincere apologies to latAjI for spelling her name wrongly.

Regards! - mOhana

ammuchandhini's picture

Yes jkm sir...i too was waiting for lata to announce a 9x9 grid pattern as i have so many of them...this kolam is very beautifully made by u...

Padma Prakash's picture

Very cute and the inter locking is very pretty. Thank you JKM sir.

Lata's picture

That typo is hardly noticeable, Mohanaji. I was busy gazing at the focal point and can't help admiring the purple bleed. Smile

Vinci's picture

Lovely work mOhanaji.

dibbutn's picture

JKM sir lovely, i somehow like this texture u use

Pragaya's picture

Very pretty 9x9 pattern. The change in colour of the central 3x3 is very nice.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

nice 9X9 pattern!- suguna murugesan

vijaysowmya's picture

Lovely design with a very good color.

bsindhuja's picture

Lovely pattern, JKM Sir. The effect produced by the purple colour oozing out from the central design to the side chains is great!!

jkmrao's picture

Thanks everybody! pushpA ma'am, play with curves under colors in photoshop or similar programs.

Regards! - mOhana

veena manigandan's picture

Beautiful design and nice colour texture.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely design

anirudh's picture

wow....very pretty curvy swastik....added to my library sir...definitely going to try this in real