
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Freehand rangoli
  • Rice rangoli
  • My first kolam with rice grain
Rangoli: Freehand rangoli
Created by ammuchandhini on 2014-06-25,

Hello frnds...tried a different medium for a freehand kolam....used coloured rice grains for filling inside....hope you like it...ur views pl Smile

Rangoli: Rice rangoli
Created by vidhyaprasu on 2012-09-26,

This rangoli was drawn for pavamana homa.....The rangoli is drawn with the rice and colouring is done by food colours..... Smile

Rangoli: My first kolam with rice grain
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2011-10-10,

Dear friends yesterday my daughter asked me to put the devi kolam at outside my house but i could not do it because it will take at least four hours and the space to sit is very small and i develop sever backache inside i tried this small rice grain kolam to tell u frankly itis very difficult again i have to put my fans off the moment i use to finish the center the rice grain use to shift from the place i tried for 4-5 times then i decided this will be my last attempt and i did this .i tired to click as i used to finish little bit as there was no guarantee .i went on adding and made the final one .u may not believe that it took me almost 3-4 hours .Probably as i don't have the tool to pick up the grain and i did with my hands .
Please please comment on this waiting eagerly.