15-8 interlaced dots

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Maakolam
  • Maakolam
  • Ugadi kolam
  • Dotted Rangoli-1
  • Inauguration rangoli
  • Maakolam
Rangoli: Maakolam
Created by dibbutn on 2016-08-15,

Dotted chikku kolam with dot count 15-8 interlaced :DRangoli 15-8 interlaced dots: Maakolam by dibbutn

Rangoli: Maakolam
Created by dibbutn on 2015-08-07,

Rangoli 15-8 interlaced dots: Maakolam by dibbutn

Rangoli: Ugadi kolam
Created by abhijith on 2015-03-16,

This is my ugadi kolam drawn last year.
Rangoli 15-8 interlaced dots: Ugadi kolam by abhijith

Rangoli: Dotted Rangoli-1
Created by Sumathipriya on 2014-01-25,

Hi, I am new to this iKolam Website. Here, I am uploading my first kolam to this site.

Rangoli: Inauguration rangoli
Created by GOMATHI_KRISHNA on 2014-01-04,

Friends, this rangoli has been drawn by our college students on I year inauguration day. At the same day I have joined the college... I imagined it is also drawn for welcoming me also... :bigsmile: :love: :love: :love: :love: Smile

Rangoli: Maakolam
Created by ananthiraju on 2013-05-25,

This Friday I drew this kolam.