December 12 poinsettia day .I know it from our ikolam calender. Celebrate National Poinsettia Day! The poinsettia is a blossoming plant with beautiful red and green foliage, which makes it a very popular decoration during the holiday season. Although it is native to Mexico, 90% of all poinsettias are exported from the United States. The Aztecs considered poinsettias a symbol of purity because of their brilliant red color.
Joel Roberts Poinsettia, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico, introduced these gorgeous flowers to the United States in the 1820s. While visiting Taco, Poinsettia found the flowers growing on a hillside and sent some of them to his home in South Carolina. The flowers grew well in his greenhouse and Poinsettia began distributing them. The name “poinsettia” soon became the accepted name of the flower in English-speaking countries.(This news taken from net)
One more matter,I drew it on coral draw and edited on photo shop.
- For poinsettia day
- paDikOlam - 23 - Thanksgivingday paDikOlam
- Happy Thanksgiving! rangoli
- Merry Christmas Poinsettia Rangoli
- Crosses and candles christmas rangoli with poinsettia
In the North America, Thanksgiving Day is observed as a harvest festival, somewhat akin to the sankrAnti or pongal in India. It is the day when the families gather and offer their thanks to the almighty God and all others for what we are and how we are. In the US it is observed on the last Thursday of November. Infact, the Christmas season starts the very next day, the so-called black Friday. This is perhaps the busiest travel period in the country. Thanksgiving day is a great day, except for the millions of turkeys Here is a paDikOlam made especially for the Thanksgiving day with cornucopia and fruit baskets, hollies, poinsettias and tendrils.
Regards! - mOhana
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a time to recognize that God has given us many things to be thankful for, each passing day. The things that we are most thankful for: Love, Family, Health, Friendship --- all of you!!
This rangoli is based on a 6x6 dot grid. I have made use of the horn-shaped wicker basket called cornucopia to make this rangoli. These baskets are filled with various kinds of vegetables and fruits harvested in the fall season, in North America. The cornucopia is also known as the Horn of Plenty, or the Harvest cone, and is a symbol of abundance.

This Christmas kolam is an ideal design for your frontyard during the Christmas holidays. It not only beautifies and makes the outside of your home more colorful, but also wishes every passer-by a very "Merry Christmas"!
The grid of dots for this kolam has the following number of dots: the horizontal middle chunk has 4 rows of 16 dots each. Above that, there is a row of 12 dots, followed by 14, 12, 14, 8 and finally 4 dots (one above the other in the sequence given all the way in the UP direction). Now for the other directions: put the same number of dots as in the UP direction i.e 12, 14, 12, 14, 8 and finally 4 dots respectively one below the other row in the DOWN direction. You have to see the picture of dots to make the row of 8 dots (in both up and down directions) because they are irregular, but not difficult to follow. Similarly, you would've to be a bit creative while writing the letter Y in the word MERRY, because you're going to be left with 2 stray dots on either side at the bottom of the Y if you use the capital Y instead of y. Please see the animation to understand what I'm referring to. The flowers in this kolam could be colored red and green to make it look like Poinsettia (keeping the Christmas theme in mind). Dual colors are recommended for the candles. Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.

During Christmas, people decorate their homes and places of worship (be it an altar at home or church) with strikingly beautiful patterns of kolams.
The following Christmas kolam is a symmetrical design which consists of four crosses and four candles with a touch of poinsettia in the middle. It is mostly made with lines and a few simple loops.
The grid of dots for this kolam has the following number of dots: the horizontal middle chunk has 4 rows of 18 dots each. There are 2 parallel rows above that middle chunk which have 8 dots each, and that is topped with 5 parallel rows of 4 dots each. There are 2 parallel rows below the middle chunk which have 8 dots each, and that is followed by 5 parallel rows of 4 dots each (one row below the other).
This design looks very beautiful when colored with the traditional bright colors of Christmas like red, green and gold.
Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.