Hai to all...hope you like this simple dotted kolam done by me...ur views please
13x1-straight dots
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Dotted kolam
- Dotted kolam
- Blue and white kolams
- Dotted kolam
- Dotted kolam
- Dotted Kolam
Created by ammuchandhini on 2013-04-16,
Created by ammuchandhini on 2012-11-15,
Hai to all...hope you like this dotted kolam done by me recently...eagerly waiting for ur views
Created by ammuchandhini on 2012-10-09,
Hai to all...another set of rajamma mam's series of 13x1 dotted kolams...eagerly waiting for your views
Created by ammuchandhini on 2012-10-07,
Hai to all...here is another kolam from me for the 13x1 dot series...this time a flowery kolam...hope you like this one also:)
Created by ammuchandhini on 2012-10-01,
Hai to all...after a long time doing a chikku kolam to join Rajamma mam's 13x1 dot series....spread green col on my cement floor and then did this kolam...hope you like it...ur views please
Created by ammuchandhini on 2011-11-29,
Hai to all...for so many days wanted to try one full kolam on a kavi base...and this rainy wet floor was convenient for me to try one...hope u like this simple dotted one on a kavi base...ur views pl...