
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • SriNrismhaJayanthi Special Rangoli
  • Painting 4
  • Narasimha jeyanthi kolam
Created by RaghaRadha on 2019-05-16,
This is a padi kolam.
Rangoli: Painting 4
Created by Jayashubha on 2010-12-27,

The fourth painting is about Lord vishnu in the avatar of Narasimha. After Lord Vishnu destroyed Hirayaksha, his brother Hiranyakashyap makes severe penance and gets a boon not to be destroyed by any human, animal, god or deamons, either during day or night. After this he declares himself as the lord of all the 3 worlds and becomes the enemy of lord Vishnu. He also destroys Indralok and holds all gods as his prisoners. But his own son Prahlad, is a great devotee or Lord Vishnu and he calls lord vishnu to come out of a Pillar. At this moment Lord vishnu takes the form of Narasimha who is neither and animal nor a human and kills him just during sunset, at the entrance of the door.

Rangoli: Narasimha jeyanthi kolam
Created by deepa ram on 2010-06-15,

a special kolam for narasimha jeyanthi day on th entrance of our home