Paneer Tikki

Panner slices - 100 gms Capsicum Onion Salt Pepper Oregano (Optional) Maggi masala Packet (1) Garam Masala (Optional if you need spicy) Toothpicks Coriander, Springonions for garnishing Oil, Butter

Ingredients and method

1. Cut the paneer, capsicum, onion into small blocks.
2. Chop Coriander and spring onions into small pieces, keep aside.
3. Deep fry paneer and capsicum seperately.
4. Now pin the fried Capsicum, Onion, Paneer to the tooth pic and keep aside.
5. Take a pan put some butter, fry spring onions and put the arranged paneer tooth picks onto the stove.
6. Sprinkle the masala spices (Maggi masala, salt, pepper, garam masala)
7. Fry for 2minutes and dishout. Garnish with coriander.

Serve the Paneer Tikkis with Tomato Sauce.


Suguna Murugesan's picture

Yummy Blum 3

jaanu's picture

You are the one who always replies to my recipe 1st sugu :bigsmile: wish you are in my house to taste all my experiments Wink

Suguna Murugesan's picture


lakshmiraghu's picture

Yummy :bigsmile:

jaanu's picture

Thanks Lakshmi Garu.
Must try recipe.

aditya's picture

Looks delicious!! Will try for sure. But I cant wait. Will you call me home!!!!!

umaraja's picture

whn r u inviting jaanu,,, pls make it fast,,,, Blum 3

jaanu's picture

Sure on my next trial, will be inviting you Smile

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