White kolam

Rajusree's picture
About White kolam : PRINT

This is the father's day kolam. For a change i tried this without any color or kaavi. Ur sugggestions pls...

Rangoli: White kolam


sreegiri's picture

Beautiful single line kolam.

ammuchandhini's picture

lovely design padma...i am tempted to try it with kavi...

jayamohan's picture

Looks good without colors!

gvidhya's picture

Rajusree.. Very lovely design.. Outer half circles reminds me of kuzhi paniyaram :(.. Rani will try this with kavi whereas i will try kuzhi paniyaram as inspired by ur kolam Lol

ammuchandhini's picture

appo 2 kolama...vidhs...

lakshmiraghu's picture

padma shree nice curves and design keep it up

Padma Prakash's picture

good one with perfect symmetry and neat curves.

Rajusree's picture

Vidhyaji u can call me Padmasree. Can i come to taste the kuzhipaniyarams Vidhyaji? Thanks everyone for ur comments.

dibbutn's picture

Padmasree maam this kolam looks pretty even without the kaavi