Welcome Newyear.

rajamma_2's picture
About Welcome Newyear. : PRINT

This is a welcome kolam to the new'Rabbit Year'. This was done in a hurry. Last weekful I was very busy. But wanted to wish you all thru a kolam, so drew this in a hurry.

Rangoli: Welcome Newyear.


jkmrao's picture

Today is 1/1/11 and the rabbits are saying this is one of its kind Smile

Regards! - mOhana

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks for ur wishes and for ur lovely kolam rajamma mam...wish u a very happy new year....

jasree's picture

Lovely kolam Rajamma Mam. Your Hurry kolam also very beautiful n neat. Thanx for the wishes....

rajamma_2's picture

Thanks Lata,so fast in releasing. The surprise is mOhanaji's first comment. May be he is receiving all the new year wishes sitting awake.Thank you Sir.

kameswari's picture

Cute kutty rabbit kolam welcoming the new year Rajam Mam.

chandy's picture

cute bunnies are ready to dance to new year tunes! Very pretty

vijaysowmya's picture

your rabbit kolam is fantastic....a nice welcome to the new year....you have nicely done it with maakolam

vijaysowmya's picture

wish you a very happy new tear...

vijaysowmya's picture


vijaysowmya's picture

sorry it should be read as new year

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful make up.....your cute rabit brides looks beautiful..rajammaji thanks for the blessings/wishes..and happy new year to you and your family.

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice kolam Rajamma mam. Wishing you too a very happy new year.


sreegiri's picture

Beautiful rabbit kolam.

jayamohan's picture

Hope your grand son enjoyed it!

Vinci's picture

New Year Wishes..
Beautiful kolam.
Cute Rabbits with carrots on their ears ? Smile

judelined's picture

Sorry Rajam dear - this seems to be another one of your kolams I have not posted my comments on - somehow missed it.. Such an interesting bury of rabbits / colony of rabbits / down of rabbits / drove of rabbits / husk of rabbits / leash of rabbits / trace of rabbits / trip of rabbits / hop of rabbits / warren of rabbits / nest of rabbits / wrack of rabbits. I suppose this is the only animal with so many names for a group of them just like how they multiply. I remember in those days when people used to have many kids they used to be compared with rabbits...