Violet flower in MS paint.

rajamma_2's picture
About Violet flower in MS paint. : PRINT

This rangoli has been specially submitted for the "guess who" game by an active member of ikolam. Can you guess who made this rangoli?

Here is the original description of this rangoli:
Lata, I just tried this free hand drawing in MS paint( in which I am not good at).I thought I'll send it to u to make other's guess who did this.Since all my works are in other mediums( except one) members will not be able to guess.
If u feel it ok then upload. thank u

Rangoli: Violet flower in MS paint.


Lata's picture

The flower is pretty, but appears to feel lonely! Let's buzzzzz around it a bit! Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Lataji, oru clue kodukka koodaadhaa?

Lata's picture

No clue for anyone, because our members are people who have been very keen in studying the different patterns, and they know our active members' style! Smile

madhuharini's picture

Rajamji,namakku intha tecnique solli kukka sollunga.

Lata's picture

I think this was made either in MS paint or could have been done in Photoshop too.
Madhumadam, it is easier to "draw" in MS paint (if you haven't tried any software programs for drawing). Please give it a try, you will be able to create pretty things in no time at all! Smile

judelined's picture

Who can this be now?? Sumathi? JKM? Jaya? Purni? Gowri? and I am quite sure I have all the names wrong... let me think again and come back with another guess soon..

brindhanagesh's picture

I think this is Judy again.

judelined's picture

Brindha sathiyamaa naa illa maa... is it Asha??

radpri's picture

i think judy, Divya, purni, .............

Purni's picture

Sathiyamaa naanum illai .... My Guess is Subhashini Ma'am......

subashini's picture

Naan aval illai purni.I think this is jkm.

jkmrao's picture

nAn avanillai! I am immersed in paDikOlam now!

I think it is either jayantIjI, anirudhhajI, or lakshmIdEvIjI (that includes pavanjI Smile

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

I think Bharathi deepa

Purni's picture

If it is not Subhashini Ma'am, may be it is Lakshmiji or Sumathi Ma'am....

jayamohan's picture

'dip-dip' pottu paatha Lakshmi/Pavan-la vandu nikkudhu!

judelined's picture

No comments from Sumathi, Asha and Deepa as yet (one of them??) Gowri is on holiday so it is definitely not her :-? THEN WHO??????

Lata's picture

The artist is the same "trickster" who had "asked" for a clue; please scroll all the way down and you'll know!! Smile

Lata's picture

I would file away this piece where it belongs tomorrow morning, hope it's ok. Smile

judelined's picture

RAJAMMA??????? OH MY GOD UNBELIEVABLE!!! Smile Smile Smile

radpri's picture

OH...iii......REALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Rajamma Madam... super flower.......

rajamma_2's picture

Lata, what is this?At 23.28 hour at mid night u r releasing the name of the owner of this lonely flower! You could not get sleep by keeping the secret with you or your are working even at that time? Anyhow thanks for playing it interestingly.
I think Vaniji came nearer.
Thanks to all for participating.
mOhanaji, see when we donot know the person who created, then our mind goes in search of it rather than enjoying the work or comment on that! By the way I am so happy to know that u r immersed in Padikolam... so can we expect another wonderful Padikolam in photoshop in this week?
Yes I am not good at computer kolams. This one I tried just like that.It took 15 minutes to complele. First 2, 3 time the color over flew the screen and then I have to concentrate on not leaving any gap.So just pulled the mouse as I liked and drew this and used my fav.color, named it " Oru oodhaa poo kan simittugiradhu"( old Tamil film name). But while guessing u all named it " Naan Avanillai"
Thanks once again.
So next whose turn?

subashini's picture

snehidhiye, snehidhiye, ikola snehidhiye,
pudhudhinusai kolam pottu yengalai asathiteengalay.

vaarayi nee vaarayi pohumidam vehu dhooramilai nee varayai.
valadhu kalai yeduthu vaithu vaarayai.

pazhamaiyum pudumaiyum kalandha computer kolathukku
pattal oru varaverpu.

voodhapoo kannai mattum simittavilai, karuthai kavandhu nardhanamay saigiradhu.mudhal muyarchiyilaye vetri petra Rajamma madaththukku ulamarndha vazhthukkal.

brindhanagesh's picture

Rajamma Madam, elloraiyum asaththiteenga. The flower looks natural.

Purni's picture

Kalakkiteenga, Rajamma Ma'am..... romba romba asathalaai irukku intha Oodhaa Poo....

lakshmiraghu's picture

Oh!!great rajammaji congrats.....

jkmrao's picture

A fine effort ma'am!

When I saw this and also read latAjI's "lonely" comment, I was reminded of the poem of William Wordsworth "She dwelt among the untrodden ways". Here it is -

She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove,
A Maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
But she is in her grave, and, oh,
The difference to me!

Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

Rajam madam, you took me by surprise when you popped in with your comment asking for a clue, the minute I published it! And, I think since you were the first one to post your comment, no one suspected your name. Smile

Answering to your question; I don't see any more rangolis meant for this game in the queue, so I guess for a while no more "guess who" game ( unless I find something strange and unique in the rangoli-queue). Smile

mOhanaji, nice poem about Lucy (a bit sad, but nice). I was thinking the same thing Vani had mentioned, about how this rangoli couldn't have been yours. Smile

Thank you all for your support on making this game an interesting one, and kudos to our Rajam madam for her enthusiasm!

gowri_ana's picture

cha i missed this "guess who game" ... Congrats Rajamma amma good one... voilet flowers :-)....

Sumathi.v's picture

Rajam ji i missed this competition but still wonderful preety lonely voilet flower

sahanabala's picture


OMG!!!!!! What a lovely kolam. Teach me the magic of MS paint......