Valentine rangoli using cookies

mani's picture


Lata's picture

How sweet!? You see, that wasn't too hard, was it? Wink

jayamohan's picture

Good idea!

rajamma_2's picture

Expressing LOVE is very easy, but people take so much time and spend so mauch energy to do that.Maniji, u have shown them the way!.

subashini's picture

you show 4 pieces are in the plate, Mani.I want to know the plate is you or Lata?If you add one more piece the plate will be all of our ikolam members.

anirudh's picture

wow instant one, bus dO minute? naa dO second Smile

agreed rajammaji, rightly said.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Maniji good idea!!!yes shubhashini ji your rigt!!!

Sumathi.v's picture

It is all for u lata!!

brindhanagesh's picture

What an instant Love message! Lovely family Lata and Mani Sir.

judelined's picture

Wow chooooo chweeet - a yummy treat indeed and that too at the snap of a finger - great work Mani Smile

preetiN's picture

That's a nice idea...

viji_j86's picture

brillent Idea Mani. Have you seen smile at Latas face?

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

See lata how much mani loves u. i envy u.. Apne “dilke tukde ,tukde kar ke tali me saja diye”. Wo..w what a romantic ....way to express ilu