Tuesday kavi kolam

ammuchandhini's picture
About Tuesday kavi kolam : PRINT

Hai to all...hope you like this kavi kolam done by me...eagerly waiting for ur views Smile

Rangoli: Tuesday kavi kolam


Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow elegant kolam rani Dirol simple padi kolam with good extensions :star:

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks sugu Smile

LavanyaVinodh's picture

Very Bright and Beautiful kolam Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow..Just admiring this beauty rani. Well done with kavi :star: :star: :star:

dibbutn's picture

Woooooooow Ranima, simply adorable... such beautiful thick double strokes dear... pls teach me Sad also na.... looks so very traditional and wonderful with kaavi dear.

Padma Prakash's picture

Wow, superb kolam with dark kavi and thick lines. The center thin lined kolam is also very cute. :love:

rajamma_2's picture

Inner thin padikkolam and outer thick free hand design, very cleaverly merged.Lovely kaavi adds the beauty

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u lavanya, sowmi,push (ayyo push...laksh and sowmi can do double strokes as two seperate lines but look at me :tired: ...those kolam pdr gets scattered in-between those lines... Sad ),thanks padma and rajamma mam for enjoying this kolam:)

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

two different strokes awesome rani.

Radhikha 3's picture

excellent one....

aarchi's picture

Bright and beautiful Rani.

lakshmiraghu's picture

bright and beautiful kolam....

Pragaya's picture

Fusion of thin and thick strokes kolam. Very beautiful with the kavi. Your thick strokes are eye catching. Smile :star: :star: :star: infinite

vidhyaprasu's picture

Beautiful thick strokes....nice rangoli ranima...

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks a lot bala, radhika, chiths dear,laksh, pragaya and vidhs dear for enjoying this kolam Smile