Hai to all....this padi-kuzhal kolam was done by me specially for Ms.Sindhujha...who wanted me to try padi kolam using kuzhal...ur views pl....

Hai to all....this padi-kuzhal kolam was done by me specially for Ms.Sindhujha...who wanted me to try padi kolam using kuzhal...ur views pl....
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:16
Yippee! I got Uma here to support me! Thanks Uma. I can now go to bed peacefully. :0
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:24
I am sure there to stand by your side, Ms.Rani.....afterall, you are into all this trouble because of me. But i'm coming near your only after wearing one bullet proof jacket (Dr.Rekha.... pl spare me one). This is just for extra safety.... ungalai nambaamal illai..... he he he.... (Not that i don't believe you!)
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:26
ha ha ha gud nyt lata,,,
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:28
uma sindu...did lata say anything to both of u regarding my continuation of my job here...pl...pl...my next kolams will be dedicated to u people only....sollidunga...haha...sindu...extra one for u...haha
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:44
achchaaa it is u sindu ..oah secretly tell……left side heart to vinci then what is left for me Rani?Laxmi ,maha not doing anything….Don’t worry I got one more jacket decide who want's it first ? . Lata …..very smart ..don’t try to break the rule .u r in queue before u jerry is there. Pl. keep an eye on Big tom’s activity .She will promise us and will send the gift to someone (sind..) else only. Poor jerry and lata …’grapes are sour” .Ammu u reminded me of that fresh, sweat cake…ah aah!my mouth is watering.... and u have seen how much I enjoyed .Now u send me eggless cake along with 10x10.Ammu as rightly said in the bracket by uma ,even I have learnt many things but not dotted kolam .If I meet u in Mangalore I will see to it that my guru will teach me at least a,b, c,d….what about gurudaxina guruji?ah ah..ah where u r running tom ?
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:48
Rekha mam...there r 8 heart designs in this kolam ...pl take whichever one u want and pl....support me....i dont need any gurudhakshinas from u ...only ur support here...pl recommend for my confirmation of my job here...to lata....
Fri, 2011-03-25 02:16
Very beautiful padi cum kuzhal kolam, Rani. Very interesting gossips going on-a?
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Fri, 2011-03-25 03:19
Yes rani ,since u have given the freedom to choose ur heart to me ….Note to lata: Lata as ur highness has given me the freedom to choose her heart for me requesting u to continue her job only and only after she sends a nice gift with a eggless cake to me otherwise please send a notice without delaying (mark a C.C to me for my record).
Fri, 2011-03-25 05:56
Arre Rekha maam i said gun to head so we need bullet proof helmets dear... by the way rani mam yennakku dedication kolam vedam ponga, ketathan kudupeegala (i dont want dedication kolam, u give only when asked eh)... and to top it all u gave away all the hearts to everyone, didnt even think about me.... Naan paavam
Fri, 2011-03-25 07:11
wonderfull design and colours.....
Fri, 2011-03-25 07:57
Pushpa, Uma, Vinci, Lakshmi, Mahalakshmi...... Rani paavam pa (poor Ms.Rani)..... she is already on the verge of tears..... Pl let us all join Dr.Rekha in requesting Lata. I am sure she will henceforth dedicate many kolams for all of us (but first for Lata.... :).
(With all these words, I hope I am safe from the bullets!!)
Fri, 2011-03-25 10:30
Rani, wonderful padikolam with kuzhal. The red fillings are bright and add the charm.
U presented me a kuzhal, but I am yet to use it properly, my floor is not suitable for that.
So after reading these chat/ comments I want to request you to put wet maavu kolam, preferably a padikolam.
Thanks for the "Arattai Arangam'... enjoyed reading it.
Fri, 2011-03-25 19:54
Thank u brinda, lakshmi, pushpa...naan paavum...mannichudungo(pl forgive me) and thank u rajamma mam...hmmm i like this...look how u r asking monitor to monitor(face to face borepa)...definitely i am going to keep all my hw, assignments all away and get ready to dip my fingers in rice batter...but if d lines r crooked(due to shivering)..pl consider them as neli lines...haha
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Fri, 2011-03-25 21:02
Puspa, don't worry i have already couriered the bullet proof helmet to u.I am very generous, so let me keep the center upper side heart and u take the lower part of heart so rani will left with left side heart (Normal one) which is of no use to us as it has already given to her hero (hubby).Yes Sindu.. Now enough chasing our tom now she is breathless .We will give her one chance .Let us all request lata to allow her highness to continue her wonderful job as said earlier ONLY AND ONLY AFTER I RECEIVE MY GIFT.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Fri, 2011-03-25 21:02
Puspa, don't worry i have already couriered the bullet proof helmet to u.I am very generous, so let me keep the center upper side heart and u take the lower part of heart so rani will left with left side heart (Normal one) which is of no use to us as it has already given to her hero (hubby).Yes Sindu.. Now enough chasing our tom now she is breathless .We will give her one chance .Let us all request lata to allow her highness to continue her wonderful job as said earlier ONLY AND ONLY AFTER I RECEIVE MY GIFT.
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Fri, 2011-03-25 21:11
Sindu veryyyyyyyyy smart, first lata .no dear jerry is in the queue before lata.(this jerry is very strict in following the rules).Actually u r the main culprit .So the punishment is that if your highness fail to pay the penalty u have to send the penalty to us .Is it clear? Treat this as strict warning otherwise I have to remove my hidden gun…..dum
Sat, 2011-03-26 05:14
Dear Ms.Rani, pl fufill Dr.Rekha's wishes. If i have to pay the penalty, then i will have to spend the whole of the next 10 years making dedications for our dear ikolam members....
(At my speed, to make such huge kolams, i need one month for each kolam.....
?!!!!) So, I request Your Highness and Lata to save the next decade of my life......
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Sun, 2011-03-27 21:09
Sindu thank our highness .As she has saved ur decades of beautiful life by sending me a very very very .....beauuuuuuuuuuu..........tiful gift .Now it is lata's tern .