today's kolam

About today's kolam : PRINT

hi friends

as usual your views please. request to spare few minutes for my kolam

Rangoli: today's kolam


Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow padikolam with nice extension!-suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...lovely kolam...though d inner kolam is a familiar one...this looks great with beautiful lotuses and d outer line designs....

Vinci's picture

Beautiful work. Lovely flowers and the appealing border work. You could have interwoven the strands.
The yellow color and the pattern reminds me of Jaya Maam's nagabanda wall painting, not the exact design still Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice fusion kolam padi kolam decorated in a grand way.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very beautifully done. The center one is well merged with the outer designs of flowers...Color choice is good. I liked the finishing border.

rajamma_2's picture

The inner design is a familiar one and my favourite also. with different color lines you have drawn this very beautifully. The outer lotus border and the lined outline also vey pretty.
In my opinion, Hema, though both the parts are lovely individualy, they donot merge well. If you have drawn a cute lotus design inside or insteed of this border made a partial inner existing design as border it will be more beautiful..... Just my opinion... just try and see.

bsindhuja's picture

Very very beautiful designing and colouring of the inner padi kolam. Like rajamma ma'am has said, if you had made a border that merges even more with the inner design, it would have further increased the beauty of this already beautiful kolam.

judelined's picture

Very colourful padikolam Hema - nice attempt in bringing a different look to that padikolam. Though the outside border line is very very neat I agree with Rajam on the mixing of the designs..

alameluranganath's picture

wow wonderful excellent

nithyaashok's picture

lovely kolam, the outer design looks beautiful

umaraja's picture

good padikolam with different borders , looks attractive

indu.rkc's picture

very nice

veena manigandan's picture

Nice padi kolam and colouring the padi kolam makes this look different.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Beautiful work. Lovely flowers.looks grand....

ushavenkatesh's picture

wow! superb. out line border is nice. thanks for sharing.

Radhikha 3's picture

beautiful kolam .... with good colours...