Tiny pookolam

judelined's picture
About Tiny pookolam : PRINT

Just wanted to share this pookolam with my friends in ikolam.

Rangoli: Tiny pookolam


Lata's picture

I just got to have that dish! The hunt is on! thanks for the idea Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Panneer roja vaasanai oorai thookkudhe.

judelined's picture

thank you Rajamma and Lata... i too love this container - it was gifted to me by my boss Mr. Pokle when i worked for the leather division of Wipro as his personal executive in 1984.. it was lying in one of the shelves unattended for so long... i finally decided to put good use to it now and i am happy that i did...

Lata's picture

This is getting to be so interesting! I guess your special dish was waiting to be showcased in ikolam! And, what a show! On some days, it surfaces as "rangoli on water using rangoli powder", and on other days it shows up with poovidal! Smile