terracotta thali

indu.rkc's picture
About terracotta thali : PRINT

this thali was painted by me which has been kept in our terrace garden.how s it?

Rangoli: terracotta thali


malar anand's picture

nice indu mam

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very cute

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice decoration Indu mam. Could you also upload that circular sikku kolam where you have placed your decorated thali?


lakshmiraghu's picture

looks nice ..kolam also superb

vijaysowmya's picture

nice decoration...kolam looks great...

Lata's picture

Beautifully painted Terracotta piece. The kolam looks pretty. Please upload the circular kolam too in case you have it. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice terracota painted thali indu mam...i too want ur kolam..if u don't have this kolam pl pl do it again and share with us...

Vinci's picture

Lovely thali with cute ganesha majestically seated at the centre..

indu.rkc's picture

thank u everybody.sure i will send the kolam also,but it is a long shot

indu.rkc's picture

this cute ganesha is a gift given to me by my daughter in law.she is in delhi

Sarasp's picture

Ganesha looks tooo cute amidst the flowers in a beautiful terracota handi Smile
Chikku kolam looks very beautiful too !

mahimasharma's picture

nice decoration........

umaraja's picture

well decorated , and the painting is perfect

viji_j86's picture

wow pretty piece. Nicely painted.
well like to see the kolam too.