Tamil new year kolam

deepa ram's picture
About Tamil new year kolam : PRINT

This double strokes kolam was done on KARA tamil year day....different from my usual padi kolams i mixed the rangoli type strokes inbetween ..ur views please !

Rangoli: Tamil new year kolam


rajamma_2's picture

Pretty pinky padikolam.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

amazing deepa dear!-suguna murugesan

deepa ram's picture

Thanks Suguna mam, thank u Rajamma mam !

Anisha Raghunath's picture

very nice kolam....

P.Veni's picture

Simply superb deepa..

ushavenkatesh's picture

hai deepa simply superb/

smahalakshmi's picture

Very pretty padi kolam Deepa.


deepa ram's picture

thank u all !

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Deepa very neat and lovely design the strokes r so perfect no word to explain the beauty of this kolam dear

ammuchandhini's picture

Awesome fusion kolam deepa...do u think ur pink and the one u see in my kolam(today's kk) r d same...pl let me know if u mix some cols to get ur pink shade...

vijaysowmya's picture

Very very neat and beautifully drawn padikolam Deepa. Like it very much:)

Jayashubha's picture

Supeeeeeeeeeeeeerb mam. Its looking very very lovley.

alameluranganath's picture

very beautiful and gud one. nice kolam.

Sravanthi Prasad's picture

Wow, perfect symmetry...

vasanthi's picture

very very lovely fusion kolam deepa...looks very pretty...the mixing is very perfect. yesterday i was little busy in my office deepa..hence could not comment yesterday itself. today i just went to your gallery for commenting. Hope you don't mind.

deepa ram's picture

Thank u so much Vasanthi mam..so sweet of u...thank u so so so much all ....u r my catalysts to create more..Rani mam no trick in colouring ..it was crimson red i used but i don't know how it looks pink everytime i take a snap ...this colour is similar to ur bright red..!

aarchi's picture

Lovely kolam deepa