Star of David rangoli

Lata's picture
About Star of David rangoli :


snehasimha's picture

very cute.looking like tiles.

judelined's picture

The texture is really lovely Lata.

Thank you Sneha for bringing all Lata's creations out after a long time... Though I had seen most of them when I was new to ikolam I was a little shy to post my comments - atleast now I have got a chance to pat Lata on her back for a change...

jkmrao's picture

Quite nice and good colouring scheme.

Just one thing if you don't mind. By the side of the little left star, the blue band must go down (come from below). As it is, both are up on that side.

Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

Thank you Snehaji for spending some time in my gallery, because of you, a few other people have noticed some of my old creations, and have taken the time to say a few things.

Judy, what you said is so true, there are people who might feel a little shy to post comments in the beginning. It was nice of you to mention that as well. Thank you! Smile

mOhanaji, I don't mind at all. In fact, we are lucky to get such tips for improving in what we all do/create. And, it takes time to write about/explain how to make something better. I still have to pay more attention to where I have to make corrections in this particular design, but before I do that, I thought I should let you know that I appreciate your comment on this one. Smile