Spider Lily in white
About Spider Lily in white : PRINT
It is very nice to see this flower in cluster. Expecting mOhanaji's comment and art work out of it!

It is very nice to see this flower in cluster. Expecting mOhanaji's comment and art work out of it!
Mon, 2009-03-02 14:54
I faintly remember its scent. This is also a flower that I haven't seen in a while.
After mOhanaji has had a chance to think about these lilies, I want to ask him if he has seen a Nepenthes. Nepenthes is the botanical name of the pitcher plant (a fascinating one too).
This is not a symmetrical plant, or should I say a symmetrical leaf structure. It would be fun to give him a challenge, don't you think?
Mon, 2009-03-02 15:52
namastE both, if you could give me a picture of a single flower against a white background
(or light grey in this case) I can try. You know where to send it
Regards! - mOhana
Mon, 2009-03-02 22:45
This is called Spider Lily
Tue, 2009-03-03 02:01
In kannada we call it as "Nela Sampige"(ground Champak) as the flowers bloom close to the ground and very good fragrance similar to Champak. It used be there in my Grandma's garden. Not sure she still have them.