Special Kolam

brindhanagesh's picture
About Special Kolam : PRINT

This kolam is made by me specialy for the marriage held in our neighbourhood. Friends I am missing ikolam's kolams because of my busy schedule. I will be joining you as soon as possible

Rangoli: Special Kolam


Lata's picture

Special indeed! Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Brindha, the outer design is very nice.Indeed u r a kolakkuzhal Arasi!

jayamohan's picture

Also, Brinda, you have used minimum colours which makes this kolam beautiful in an unique sense!

lakshmiraghu's picture

Brindha it looks crispy!!!good colour match.hehehe rajammaji, good title !!!

jkmrao's picture

This is indeed a special, no doubt. I like the colours you use. They don't stand out,
but merge nicely with the pattern. The dots at the edge give a nice twist.

Regards! - mOhana

judelined's picture

Brindha missed your kolams for a long time - thank you for this visual treat - reminds me of the 3D murukku Jayanthi posted recently.. You still in Chennai??

brindhanagesh's picture

Thank you everyone Smile

adelec's picture

Really beautiful and very elegant.