sOnA square - 3 rows, 5 columns - 23 dot elinated

jkmrao's picture
About sOnA square - 3 rows, 5 columns - 23 dot elinated : PRINT

Earlier, I presented to you a pattern wherein the row and column numbers are divisible by a common factor and one dot was skirted around. There even though the original pattern had two lines, the dot-eliminated pattern had only line and a sona square with that had two lines. Today's pattern has exactly the opposite characteristics. The original motif has 3x5 dots with a single line (top left). The central dot was skirted around giving rise to two lines (bottom left) and the sona square (right) has six lines (four cyan, one red and one white). Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: sOnA square - 3 rows, 5 columns - 23 dot elinated


ammuchandhini's picture

Nice well known pattern jkm sir...i have done this on d floor with usual kolam pdr....

smahalakshmi's picture

Nice Sona square design.


P.Veni's picture

Lovely pattern,sir

jayamohan's picture

All sona patterns are nice.
The left top design reminds me my doormat kolam

jkmrao's picture

jaya ma'am, The one you referred to and the top left are identical. I don't count the intermediate dots, thus it is 3 x 4 dots in my parlance. The reason why I showed these and the earlier ones is that by isolating and skirting around some dots, the original characteristics are completely changed. To me, theoretically it is a very important concept in the evolution of these patterns.

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Lovely one JMK sir

Vinci's picture

Nice pattern.

judelined's picture

Again a lovely set of patterns JKM Smile