Single stroke kolam

Lata's picture
About Single stroke kolam :

Inspired by Mrs.Rajam. Dot count: 15, 13 (2lines), 9 (2 lines), 5 (2 lines) and ending in 1 dot on all sides. I had made a colored version of the same last year and published it here. But, I had to unpublish it after an hour or so, since I didn't realize that I had published the same dotted kolam done by another member. But, this version is an animated one, as promised to Mrs.Rajam. Let me know what you think of it. Smile

Here is the original version:


sushmak's picture

Its nice

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lata .. Hats off .great in all respects. Let me try on floor .

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Lata, afterseeing this i think i should really try it.

rajamma_2's picture

Lata, thanks for remembering and doing the animation of this lovely dotted kolam. It looks as though a kutti snake is sliding in between the dots.It is easy to try this now.I did coloring each side only for others to see how this ezhai kolam is simple to draw not complicated as we think.

judelined's picture

Lovely Lata - another think I want to learn soon is animating my rangoli (hope Anita can find the time to teach me hmmmm).. Actually I had drawn this very same kolam on photoshop in April 2009 itself, but for some reason did not upload it then. Will upload it now though Smile

judelined's picture

Sorry friends I though this was not uploaded earlier - but found it in my gallery - here it is

ushavenkatesh's picture

very nice.

kathriaki70's picture

a very nice sikku kolam. I am not good at drawing kolams with rice powder or kolam powder. But will definitely try this one with wet rice flour.

alameluranganath's picture

wow lata i dont have any explanation for this. such a superb work done. this site is very very inspiring and i think we are all like a family member. thank u lata. u have done a gt8 job to unite us all. dear. ONCE AGAIN THANK U VERY MUCH FOR UR GREAT SUPPORT.

geeth.cs's picture


Naviprem's picture

Hi Lata, ur animated kolams are eye-openers. Chiku kolams had always been a mystery for me. They are like puzzles, and ur animations are like cheat sheets to solve them. Rajamma, Judy, Pushpa and Lata, u r drawing me more and more towards chiku kolams. Thanks to all of u.

– Naveena.

deepa ram's picture

a nice try in animation Lata didi,looks like a braid formed with care and ease.

toindhu's picture

sikku kolams I think it will take me another life to understand them never tried one before. Looks pretty though.

ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam as i am living at chrompet, chennai , i would like to invite all our ikolam members to my house during the chennai i am a N&D graduate please come and taste my dishes ( thanjavour and trichy) specials. even i am ready to help for food prep if the meet is conducted elsewhers. love to see u all.

Dawn's picture

Felt like clapping my hands when the lines finally met! Lovely!

Pragaya's picture

Beautiful kolam. Animation boosts one's interest to try the kolam.

deepta's picture

lovely. very beautiful.

alameluranganath's picture

super lata

vyjayanthi's picture

very very beautiful, easy to learn at the same time..... thank u lata

viji_j86's picture

I enjoy the kolam very much.
Repeatdly i made the animation and enjoy. Great work dear.

kameswari's picture

Nice animated chikku kolam Latha. I played the animation several times.

kailin's picture

Thank you so much for the beautiful kolam tutorials! I learned a bit about kolams when I lived in மதுரை and decided I wanted to try my hand at it again -- your animations (and also the fact that I'm drawing with chalk and not rice powder) make it very enjoyable