Sikku Kolam - 25

P.Veni's picture
About Sikku Kolam - 25 : PRINT

Hi Friends, This kolam drawn on saturday Dots - 17-1. I have darken the background using Photoshop...I like this.So i am sharing with you..You like it!!!

Rangoli: Sikku Kolam - 25


ammuchandhini's picture

this has come out so well u too r in d most happening thing at ikolam....

sreegiri's picture

nice kolams.

Vinci's picture

Both versions are good to see Veni Maam. But I prefer the first one, its so obvious that kolam glows on mudfloor...

Padma Prakash's picture

Both the versions are looking good. We too liked this.

P.Veni's picture

Thank you rani,sreegiri,vinci,padma.....

subashini's picture

Both are good veni.Because of the background , the second one is very clear.But it is not easy to decide , which one is better.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Both the versions are looking good

P.Veni's picture

Thank you subashini and lakshmi.

Rajusree's picture

Both looks good. But the second one looks like a print.

brindhanagesh's picture

Both are beautiful, Veni. The second one looks like PC kolam, so my choice is, first is the best:)

rajamma_2's picture

Both looking nice. I have copied in my book. rajamma

P.Veni's picture

Thank you Rajusree,brindha,rajamma mam.....................

judelined's picture

Have you compressed the original kolam or stretched the second one as I can see a difference in dimension between the two?? Actually I like the second one because the white looks striking against a black background making it glow. Lovely work Veni (so here comes another 'soon to become' PC kolam expert)

ushavenkatesh's picture

very nice veni