sikku kolam 15

BharathiKRaman's picture
About sikku kolam 15 : PRINT

this is for ammu madam thanking her for the lovely kolam she did for my MIL.this 18 dots 6 rows straight dots.

Rangoli: sikku kolam 15


Suguna Murugesan's picture

the centre stencil kolam is very attractive simple kolam but grand look!-suguna murugesan

ammuchandhini's picture

Aahaa...thanks a lot bharathy amma...lovely looking kolam with those stencil border and such a cute centre stencil design happy to see u so energetic....

P.Veni's picture

Looks grand and beautiful.

nithyaashok's picture

Nice kolam with stencil design inside and kuzhal design as border! Lovely present to Rani Mam!

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice kolam gifted to Rani mam. Rani mam, you were dedicating kolams to other members and see now in turn you are receiving dedications from others.


Vinci's picture

Beautiful gift to Rani, Deepa. Hope this is from your MIL's collection and as usual its been enhanced by your strokes. Good work. I like the border.

vasanthi's picture

very beautiful return gift mam.

subashini's picture

very nice return gift.very beautiful kolam.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very beautiful kolam which is nicely executed with kuzhal borders and kavi. Neat presentation. Lovely return gift.

Padma Prakash's picture

Excellent fusion of dikku and stencil kolam. Beautiful integration of the both and priceless gift to RAni.

Anisha Raghunath's picture

lovelu kolam with nice borders........

bsindhuja's picture

Lovely gift for Ms.Rani. A very grand chikku + kuzhal kolam.

BharathiKRaman's picture

vinci maam, actually it is my MIL who puts the kolam and she is 73yrs old. I am deepa her Daughter in law uploading all her kolams. ammu maam, thanks once again.