Sculpture painting

kala.k's picture
About Sculpture painting : PRINT

This is a scene of the Gupta period .The Queen with her maids around her painted on a canvas.
This is called Sculpture painting since it is done to depict the stone work. You can see a baby too next to the queen

Rangoli: Sculpture painting


smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice painting. Thanks for sharing it with us.


ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely painting kala mam....

Vinci's picture

Nice Painting work.. I'm happy to enjoy a Multitalented artist's work. Great Work Madam.

jasree's picture

Lovely painting kala Mam!!!!

judelined's picture

If you had not given a description I would have definitely thought it was a sculpture as the shades are so perfect which makes it look real. I am so happy I met you aunty and I am sure we will learn lots from you soon - extremely lovely work Smile

jayamohan's picture

Good form of art! Anybody going to try it as a B&W kolam?

brindhanagesh's picture

Lovely painting with so many details. Jayaji, trying this in black and white kolam, anybody willing to? (not me).

Sumathi.v's picture

Enjoying every minute details of your painting

kala.k's picture

Thanks for all your comments