Save trees to save yourself
About Save trees to save yourself : PRINT
Save trees to save yourself - vriksho rakshathi rakshitaha
Trees are like breath to all living beings.Their selfless services to the world is uncomparable. They give us Oxygen,
fruits, vegetables, flowers & fire wood. They give shelter to birds & animals. They are pollution free. Manure is also made up of those leaves. They give seeds to grow more plants, shrubs, creepers etc. They also have medicinal values. Each and every part is important even after it no longer lives. All these services are free of cost. But if they demand money for their services!!!! can we imagine???
So please go go go go go "GREENERY". Don't cut Trees.
-Lakshmi and Bharathi

Wed, 2008-07-30 01:18
good message lakshmi ,brrrrilliant thought
Thu, 2008-07-31 00:28
Asha thank u very much 4 ur comments
Fri, 2008-08-01 19:01
thank u very much asha