Roses and roses

brindhanagesh's picture
About Roses and roses : PRINT

I have been trying to make such a kolam for a very long time. The dot count is 11 to 6 inbetween and 5 to 1 on all the six sides. My mother-in-law encouraged me in executing this.

Rangoli: Roses and roses


Lata's picture

Beautiful rangoli of roses! Reminds me of Udhayamalar's "Star of roses" kolam. Thank you for giving the dot details (comes in handy for updating her kolam).

rajamma_2's picture

Lata, before reading your comment I was telling "oh I have seen this somewhere".
Brindha you have done it in your own style.I think for all rangolis grey color background enhances the beauty.

preetiN's picture

Very pretty amma.

preethirajaganesh's picture

its very beautiful brindha

kameswari's picture

It is very neat and beautiful

jayamohan's picture

Nice colour combination and neat shading!

judelined's picture

Brindha the shading is done very well.... thanks to your mother-in-law for encouraging you otherwise we would not have had the opportunity to see such a lovely rangoli...

brindhanagesh's picture

Thank yuo Lata, Rajamma, Preethirajaganesh,Jayamohan and Judy ma'ms.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Brindha excelent rangoli.colour combination also nice.

Sumathi.v's picture

Beautiful work

devikak's picture

Hi brinda,

Very beautiful. Can u resend this kolam with only dots and not with colours, as i am finding diffcuilt to draw with the coloured one.

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks Lakshmi, Sumathi and Devikak.
Devika, Please send me your mail id so that I can send the dot structure to you (put your mail id to my inbox as a personal message and not in this comment box).

indulatha's picture

very nice roses. middle one is very pretty & nice colour . pudu kalara

manova's picture

Wow !!!!Mind Blowing!!! Mam,No Words to express.....
Thank u..Will U Please resend this kolam only with dots ...& without colour ...
Simply Superb..

sjnt's picture

Lovely. A different style. Keep it up.

gowri_ana's picture

inga parunga innoru table cloth..... before talented people i bow my head... vallinam edaiyinam mellinam nallinam ellam inda kolathil irukku...

gowri manohari

Radhikha 3's picture

Excellent kolam with beautiful shadings and colour combination Brinda Mam.