
indira sundar's picture
About Roses : PRINT

Dear Friends,
U know, these Roses are going to participate in our family Garden...

Rangoli: Roses


ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam d roses with buds r superb....

lakshmi2000's picture

very beautiful how many dots

Rajusree's picture

Excellent kolam Indiraji. Very well drawn.'s picture

Very nice kolam how many dots ?

judelined's picture

Indira the way you have outlined the design looks like you have put colour kolapodi as outline for the kolam. Very pretty and the entire kolam has an embossed effect.. Any special technique??

indira sundar's picture

Thanks a lot Raniji, Lakshmiji, Padmaji , Meenaji and Judyji.....
Dots: 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,12,11,10,9,8,7

alameluranganath's picture

very very beautiful drawing (kolam)

preetiN's picture

This looks embroidered Smile Very beautiful...

brindhanagesh's picture

Beautiful roses and butterflies. I really love those buds Smile

r.suganthy's picture

wow very nice.Artistic work.


jkmrao's picture

The roses, particularly the buds, are very nice and so are the butterflies.

Regards! - mOhana

rajamma_2's picture

The fully bloomed roses , the buds, the butterflies and the tiny flowers all are looking very beautiful. very colorful.which cor pencil/pen u have used?

dibbutn's picture

Indira maam I just love the rose buds in this kolam they look so very pretty... nicely shaded roses

indira sundar's picture

Thanks a ton to Alameluji, Preethiji, Brindhaji, Rajammaji, mOhanaji, Pushpaji and Suganthiji...
I borrowed color pencils from Srenithy...... no Special pens and color pencils...Rajammaji,
Brindhaji i took these buds from your rose buds kolam...(7*7 dots)