About Rathasapthami : PRINT
Usually drawn on the Rathasapthami day, with Sun in the centre. Can be modified to use for any other diety too. (again scanned & colored)
Dots 21 X 21.

Usually drawn on the Rathasapthami day, with Sun in the centre. Can be modified to use for any other diety too. (again scanned & colored)
Dots 21 X 21.
Fri, 2009-05-08 13:45
Quite good Anirudh! I think rathasaptamI occurs in February, right?
This takes me back to my childhood days. My mother used to draw a chariot with hiTTu
(mAvu) and kemmaNNu (kAvi) on a wooden slab (maNe). The ratha used to be at the
centre. All around, she will draw small squares and put rice, salt, etc. indicating
that they are all the merchandise sold by vendors on that day. Then there is the
ceremonial bath. She used to place ekkE (ekka, erukku in Tamil) leaves on shoulders
and the head and some akshate (rice with turmeric) on them and then pour water by
uttering the SlOka
sapta sapta mahA sapta
saptadvIpA vasuMdharA
saptmArkA pramAnAyA
saptamI ratha saptamI
This has to be done three times.
She used to offer prayers to suryanArAyana (Sun God).
Regards! - mOhana
Fri, 2009-05-08 19:03
Anirudh .. your rangoli looks nice.. as mOhanaji expressed his views we also follow the same even to-day my Mother & Mother in laws house this is followed, we are also following.
Want to share to all, anybody wishing to go to Tirumala (Tirupati) during february pl make it on this date, we can see like Brahmotsavam starting from 6.0 am to late night... its really great all vahanas comes out in one day....
Sat, 2009-05-09 00:06
Very well said jkmeao.
till date we are following it without fail.
Mon, 2009-05-11 10:52
Lovely description JKM - so much of valuable information for everyone and finally brightly coloured Anirudh..
Mon, 2009-05-11 23:28
Thank you all.
Thanks mOhanaji & Lakshmiji for giving more details. We also have a SuryanaraayaNa temple close to our house and we make ourselves free in the evening to go over there.
Sat, 2010-05-15 04:19
beautiful ratham with lamps. thanks for sharing anirudh.