Rangoli - Green Revolution

vyjayanthi16's picture
About Rangoli - Green Revolution : PRINT

I have drawn this Rangoli for our company Spring celebrations - Competition with a concept
"Green Revolution" and stood first. Pleae post your valuable suggestions to improve myself.

Rangoli: Rangoli - Green Revolution


alameluranganath's picture

beautiful one no wonder you got first. yellow and green are superb combination

ammuchandhini's picture

hai lovely rangoli for a nice concept sure u deserve d prize after such a lovely piece of work

jayamohan's picture

Nice rangoli concept ! You could have added some eco-friend huts, fields etc., instead of leaving a vast portion of green empty!

dibbutn's picture

Novel idea and nice one at that...

indu.rkc's picture

ur eco-friendly kolam is awesome!congrats!

rajamma_2's picture

i admire this pretty green color, which the Ma Earth is loosing slowly.The top yellow portion drawings are not visible.. Anyhow this deseves the prize.

indira sundar's picture

Congrats!... A LOVELY PIECE-Indira

vyjayanthi16's picture

Thanks all for your lovely suggestions!!!
@Rajamma Mam : I was not able to take the pic closely... bcoz i cannot cover the full image... at the top we have drawn the pictures to impact Green Revolution... (http://www.ehow.com/how_4921584_impact-green-revolution.html)
@Jayamohan mam.... Actually we thought of writting "Green Revolution" at the Green part...but due to lack of time we couldn't...at the top corner there is a hut to impact Green

sreegiri's picture

nice creative work.

Lata's picture

Impressive work! Good way to show support for "Go green". Would you like to "grow a flower" to show some more support? Wink


judelined's picture

Vyjayanthi the green and yellow are very cool and looks so eco friendly - leave alone the concept of your rangoli - congrats on winning the prize Smile

vyjayanthi16's picture

Sure Lata.. Definitely I will plant a flower in Ikolam Garden.... but need some time.. is there any limit to send the Rangolis...