Rangoli display for Diwali in dublin

meenaranjani's picture
About Rangoli display for Diwali in dublin : PRINT

I painted the following Diya Rangoli (kolam) for the launch event of the Diwali event.

Rangoli: Rangoli display for Diwali in dublin


judelined's picture

An attractive arrangement of bright yellow lamps though it could have been centered a bit more.

umaraja's picture

lovely bright diyas, r they painted on a brown paper?

bsindhuja's picture

Beautiful kolam. Bright diyas painted very neatly.

chandy's picture

verybeautiful. lovely. bright yellow lamps are very attractive

P.Veni's picture

Very bright..

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely glowing diya rangoli....looking great in all yellow....

dibbutn's picture

Ah ah here comes my chocolate cake, very pretty one

vijaysowmya's picture

Very beautiful lamp rangoli...

lakshmiraghu's picture

lovely bright diyas

jasree's picture

Excellent design with diyas..looks very pretty

Suguna Murugesan's picture

very beautiful!-suguna murugesan

meenaranjani's picture

@umaraja - Nope they are painted on a brown cloth. Smile

I should thank you all for taking the time to view the kolams and comment each of them. It is really a pleasure sharing the kolams with you. Thanks again. Cheers Meena