About Rangoli : PRINT
The kolam attached herewith is a simple design made out of the (11 into 1) dot template which you had send for the contest. In that I have used 7 colours, the major being Red and Blue, which is the best ever combination of contrast colours! The design is a simple one which can be made out with those few number of dots, with an elegant look, which can be called as a fusion of both traditional and modern designs... in the form of kolam!

Fri, 2009-02-06 00:13
Welcome to ikolam Geetha, and thank you for posting your beautiful fusion rangoli.
Fri, 2009-02-06 08:25
What a beautiful rangOli! How did you get this idea? Not joking, really I want
Regards! - mOhana
to know. Symmetry maintained quite nicely in colour. I have seen dishes in
this shape. One could paint on them. I think people must study this rangOli
and see how carefully and meticulously this was drawn, all the time striving
to maintain symmetry as well as harmony. Colours are bright, but not harmful
to the eyes
Cithra raj
Sat, 2010-02-20 16:17
Very good colouring. Its very nice to see......
Mon, 2010-10-04 09:33
very nice geetha.