
indirasundhar's picture


indulatha's picture

very nice

ashanagendra's picture

Nice design for saree mundani.

ualekya9's picture

so pretty design

judelined's picture

With little time if you can do so much - can imagine what you will do when you have more time - Indulatha please find more time soon to give a treat our eyes...

rajamma_2's picture

Lotus, mango, peacock feather ellaaama ore kalakkal!!! Indra Sundar, ungala P aathu romba naalaaache!

jayamohan's picture

Your strokes are neat and clear!

InduSri's picture

Beautifull...My daughter wants me to embroider this on her dress.

kavitharajagopal's picture

very nice stroke u got aunty,,,,,,,looks very beautiful!!!!

indira sundar's picture

Thanks to Indulatha, Ashaji,Ualekya, Judyji, Rajammaji,Jayaji, Indusriji and Kavithaji.

radpri's picture

Super design madam,,,,,,,, pls tell me is it black sheet or tiles ? & used material is it kolampowder ?

indira sundar's picture

Thanks a lot Radha madam......
the backround is a black dinning table and material is arisimaavu(rice powder)

Sarasp's picture

Woh! very beautiful mango design. Shall try this tomorrow.

vidyaguruvayurappan's picture

Super O super


Sujitha's picture

its very cute

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very cute and nice

SugunaS's picture

very cute design with simple strokes....