
r.suganthy's picture


Lata's picture

It looks unique, but I can't make out the different materials. What is the outer border made of? How about the strokes on the white background? Take you time in responding, no hurry! Smile

ashanagendra's picture

this looks different suganthy&itsbeautiful!

preethirajaganesh's picture

what type of design is this. looks different.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Wow!!! beautifull design suganthy

rajamma_2's picture

Suganthy very nice, but to me it is very familiar, Sicne sahana, my grand daughter always draws such design when ever she gets a paper and pencil in her hand.Is it a dotted kolam? i see some dots in between. Why it is put in wedding? any significance?

judelined's picture

reminds me of Bharathi's kolam - same technique I think... I too am curious to know what the border is??

r.suganthy's picture

The border line is drawn with kumil.