ramnad style

umaraja's picture
About ramnad style : PRINT

hai frnz,after so many diya kolams i did this simple freehand in my old style of coloring(fully colored),,, raja didnt like this style at all and commented that it was like a typical ramnad kolam ,, is that so frnz?????????

Rangoli: ramnad style


Suguna Murugesan's picture

simply superb! Smile

subashini's picture

we like ramnad style that is uma's style.so we like it.very beautiful kolam done by uma. Wink

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...very very bright and attractive rangoli uma...nice col choices pa... Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Looks so beautiful Uma with good colour choice.

umaraja's picture

thank u sugu, suba, rani and sowmi

dibbutn's picture

Wow Uma I liked it pa Smile variation is the spice of life Wink so keep trying sometimes this way sometimes the other way avulodhan :bigsmile:

smahalakshmi's picture

This looks lovely Uma.

umaraja's picture

thank u push and maha