
rajavelj's picture
About pookolam : PRINT

used sand to increase the height.used four types of flowers,first we have to spread the sand on floor.on that sand we have to draw a design by small stick or rangoli powder.then flowers should be arranged according to the design.it will take two hours to finish the rangoli

Rangoli: pookolam


rajavelj's picture

looking very good and attractive

subashini's picture

very beautiful flower kolam and nice description.congrats for being selected as rangoli of the day.

Priyasribala's picture

Hi Rajaveli good idea of using sand to increase the height...the beauty of pookolam is its density which we cant spend too much for the flowers...so this idea is really appreciatable. Arranging of Sampangi (white flower) in this way really needs patience...keep it up...greens used in the border also looks good....good job..kudos to you!!! Congrats for Rangoli of the Day Wink

umaraja's picture

congrats on getting d title,, thank u for a neat presentation and d tips to do a pookolam

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow great work rajaveli! congrats for the rangoli of the day Smile

harinisudarsan's picture

wow!! very beautiful! congrats!!

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...congrats on being selected as rangoli of d day...superb pookolam done by u and thanks for d info about using sand for a pookolam... Smile

viji_j86's picture

So nice. Pretty work.