Pongalo Pongal

Sumathi.v's picture
About Pongalo Pongal : PRINT

This is my small Pongal pot rangoli brimming with the milk and rice.

Rangoli: Pongalo Pongal


rajamma_2's picture

Sumathi,Pongal kolam sweet like the beautiful karumbu.

lakshmiraghu's picture

sumathi pongal kolam come out very well,keep it up

Lata's picture

Sumathi, your turmeric plant looks good, along with the pot.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

sumathi maam, your pongal paanai is really very nice. the sugarcane leaves gets the perfect shape.

judelined's picture

Hmm I can smell the chakkarai pongal pongufying in the pot Sumathi Blum 3