photoshop kolam

aparna ashokkumar's picture
About photoshop kolam : PRINT

This is my first photoshop kolam.this is freehand rangoli kolam.

Rangoli: photoshop kolam


Lata's picture

ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam nice try at photoshop with regards

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanks ammuchandhini mam for your comments.

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanks latha aunty.

brindhanagesh's picture

Good attempt with photoshop. Though i am not used to photoshop, i think the filling has to be concentrated near the edges. It will become alright by practice. All the best Aparna:)

rajamma_2's picture

For the 1st effert it is good.By practice u can become a master.

dibbutn's picture

Aparna maam a good first attempt at photoshop with practise I am sure you will come up with more wonderful ones

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanku brindha mam.

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanku rajamma aunty.

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanks dibbutn mam.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Aprna ur design looks nice black part looks like Writing Slate...keep it up.

sreegiri's picture

very nice kolam.

nithyaashok's picture

Lata your flower is so beautiful and very nice way of appreciation, Aparna, the kolam is superb

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanks lakshmi aunty for your comments.

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanku nithya mam.

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Thanku giri sir.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

very nice attempt on photoshop kolam it is really looking nice.

aparna ashokkumar's picture

Sudha mam thanks for your comments.

judelined's picture

Okay so we have quite a few people who will give a demo on photoshop at the Chennai meet - good I am so relieved Smile Aparna this has come out really well and with practice I am sure you will give us more lovely creations to enjoy. Sabaash seriaana pooti between marumagal and maamiyaar (bravo, good competition between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law)

subashini's picture

jude,Aparna not only my daughter-in-law also my there is no potti between us.I enjoy all her work.once I struggled with photo shop.Now she learns easily with my help.
"Thammin thmmakkaL maynmai yuruvadhu kandu kaamuruvar karrarindhaar".I am sure, she will do better than me.because she has different thoughts and ideas with her.