Pesonalised calender-2011
About Pesonalised calender-2011 : PRINT
I will take this opportunity to share the pictures of my personalised calender designed by Franco-indian Pharma Pvt.Ltd
I will take this opportunity to share the pictures of my personalised calender designed by Franco-indian Pharma Pvt.Ltd
Sun, 2011-01-30 22:46
Very nice calendar. May I know what you have specialised in? (like in medical field or any other field, if medical then are you a GP, DGO, ENT etc......). How do you find time in keeping up with this art work and also your professional career?
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Mon, 2011-01-31 00:40
Mahalakshmi maam ,I think people must have started thinking that I talk too much about myself .But to answer ur query is my duty .I am a senior Medical Advisor (A post of medico-Marketing).My specialization is pharmacology .I have to use my medical knowledge for marketing strategies as and when it requires .My basic job is to advice doctors(any specialist or GP’s ) and solve the problems of patients regarding the drugs and the disease. I design the formulation of drugs. I deal with regulatory affair (with drug controller of India)i have given my concept one of them is DIAVIT for diabetic patients .Many concepts i have introduced in India .I am a Medical Editor of one of the French journal(La Medicine En France) where I write Editorial ,It being a French review journal i select the articles from the reputed French medical journals’. Make the medical quiz for all the specialist .I make newsletters (diabetic forum and Lipid forum) for Dialectologist and cardiologist one in three months .I train the managers and Product managers. Area Managers up to sales manager levels in Franco-Indian Pharmaceutical Pvt. ltd (Pharmaceutical company).I conduct CME (continuous medical Education) for doctors .I wrote many small books for doctors . I conduct clinical trials and bioequivalance ,Post-marketing surveillance studies etc .Mainly I train all the product executives/Managers and helping them by giving ideas to develop promotion materials to carry out their work .there are many more in the list .Already i have bored u let me stop here.
Regarding my art work maam ,hardly i do anything .As i don't have top servant ,I do my house hold work myself .Of course my daughters and husband helps me when they are in good mood . i don't get time for my hobby .given a opportunity i would love to relax by doing some paintings and singing
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:11
Nice one
Mon, 2011-01-31 17:03
Wow...rekha mam....happy to know how talented person u r...thanks for sharing a nice calender....
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:01
Thank you ,ammu maam for saying me as a talented person. According to me all human beings are talented only some get the opportunity to showcase that's all. Frankly speaking u r much much talented than me i have seen all ur kolams which are so difficult and beautiful I can't even imagine to do the same .And I thanks my Ragavendra swami for whatever I do in life , without his blessing nothing is possible for me
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:42
Hi Dr Rekha,
Happy to see ur reply. Good that you are able to lead a balanced life between ur professional career and keeping up with the traditional art and music. My mom is also a great devotee of Raghavendra Swami.
Mon, 2011-01-31 21:47
A good one.
Tue, 2011-02-01 05:02
Yes rani i also go with you..happy to know about you Dr. Rekha,...I thank ikolam for giving opportunities like these to meet lot of talented persons/friends... i am proud that you all are my friends...
Tue, 2011-02-01 07:32
happy to know about u rekha, and i wonder how u could spare time with us, thanks a lot for ur sweet company through ikolam, ( c how much i have praised u ,he he he atleast for this u can give me d ans for that egg shell drawing)
Dr.Rekha Shetty
Tue, 2011-02-01 21:06
ummaji I am very lucky to get friends like u .Umaji i have already answered my quiz some time back in my comment on the egg- shell painting page itself but unfortunately nobody has patience to go through my comment completely .Request to go through my comments once again u will find the answer