
Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture
About Painting-Banjaran(half-view) : PRINT

This is my favorite painting but unfortunately I could not get the actual view from my mobile camera as it is framed with plastic cover .Hence i have tried to click only half of the painting .Viewers please comment on this picture so that I can improve on.
Dr.Rekha Shetty

Rangoli: Painting-Banjaran(half-view)


aditya's picture

beautiful painting. Is this water color or oil painting? Please post a full view, at least a long shot.

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful painting.....eyes looks so natural...excellent keep it up rekha......

kameswari's picture

Beautiful painging. I think it is water colour painting.

kameswari's picture

Sorry Painting not painging.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Thank you Aditya, Lakshmirghu and Kameshwari for your nice comments. Mr. Aditya as requested by you I will upload the full view of the painting after detaching the plastic cover and from the long distance as advised by you .I have clicked and uploaded the entire painting but it has not come clear. As rightly mentioned by kameshwari madam i have used water color

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Ciao Lata
I take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for creating my gallery .Lata, for so many years my paintings and artworks were lying with me and only my children, husband and may be few relatives and friends have seen my paintings. Today because of the platform you have provided to us middle class people like me got the opportunity to display our work. I want to thank you from the core of my heart. Jai

vijaysowmya's picture

very beautiful painting......

veena manigandan's picture

Beautiful Painting. Eyes have come out really nice. Great work.

ammuchandhini's picture

Awesome painting rekha mam...d eyes r mesmerising.....and i just loved ur slogan...Jai

subashini's picture

your paintings are already improvised Rekha mam.This is also very beautiful and natural.

sjnt's picture

Beautiful painting. The eyes are lively. Light effect has come out well. Casual look in her face.The elbow shd have been a little more bigger [thicker].

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Thank you sjnt for your suggestions.i will keep it in mind when i do painting next time.Also want to thank vijaysowmya,ammuchandani,veena and subasini for your lovely comments

Vinci's picture

Beautiful Painting. The silver tint to the jewellery looks cute and suits her attire.
Which part of India does this pretty girl belong to?

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Ciao Vinci,
Banjaran is a community in Gujarat. These people are in continuous moving from one place another for their survival .Banjaran”s are always attracted me .Even though they spend their life under the UV rays still their skins are always glowing .Their silver tinted ornaments looks so good on them that i can't explain .Here I just tried to paint one of them .Whether I justified? Is a questionable