paDikOlam for Indian Independance Day

jkmrao's picture
About paDikOlam for Indian Independance Day : PRINT

This is a paDikOlam I designed with the colours of the Indian flag (saffron, white, blue, green). Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: paDikOlam for Indian Independance Day


lakshmiraghu's picture

WOW!! nice indian flag padi kolam..excelent thought...

Sumathi.v's picture

Excellent Tricolor Padi kolam

Purni's picture

Great Thought, JKMji....

dibbutn's picture

Real good one ... nice imagination.

pavan kashyap's picture

Uncle i like this rangoli very much...

jayamohan's picture

A simple one compared to other works of JKMji!

madhuharini's picture

very creative and thank u jkmji.

jkmrao's picture

Thanks everybody! Normally I take anywhere from half a day to three days to design a rangOli. This was done in a hurry, in about an hour. The whole day I spent in preparing my blog on Magic Flute (have you read it). There was very little time left for this. Only after I saw a few uploaded rangOlis, I thought I must create one. We always remember India. We might have left India, but India has not left us and will never leave us.

Regards! - mOhana

judelined's picture

Lovely creation JKM - maybe the centre of your flower should have been blue??