Padi Kolam

BalaChandrasekaran's picture
About Padi Kolam : PRINT

This Padi kolam was the idea of Madhangi Srinivasan. I have tried it through kola kuzhal.

Rangoli: Padi Kolam


rajamma_2's picture

Wah wonderful kuzhal kolam. I think u have used two different kuzhals. It is very neat and the inner red square with kaavi is adding the beauty.

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...what an elaborate kuzhal kolam is soooo beautiful....

deepa ram's picture

very nice novel design,looks awesome and the symmetry is perfect.congrats!

vijaysowmya's picture

very beautiful kuzhal kolam....i can see three different designs used .....centre portion is superb...

judelined's picture

What kind of a jigsaw puzzle is this one?? A M A Z I N G is all I can say as I am speechless seeing this perfect piece of art Smile

P.Veni's picture

Wow!!!! Excellent kuzhal kolam...

sudhamani.ks's picture

wonderful, very proportionate,especially ,curvatures are very neat and perfect.

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice Kuzhal kolam. I really envy your artistic work.


jayamohan's picture

bala, after seeing this wonderful kolam I went to your gallery and enjoyed your earlier posts to this site. All are lovely. I would like to know the art of smooth curving of the kuzhal with your hands! Being in Chennai why don't you attend the Chennai meet this month?

sreegiri's picture

Wow... wonderful kuzhal kolam. so beautiful .

sjnt's picture

Picture Perfect. Looking like a digital print.

sjnt's picture

Kuzhal in kannan's hands produce melodious music. Kuzhal in Bala, Brindha and Rani's hands produce 1derful kolams. Keep it up.

viji_j86's picture

wow very pretty.

Vinci's picture

Beautiful .. Very causally drawn kolam with kuzhal.. Loved your creation..

subashini's picture

very beautiful kuzhal kolam

jasree's picture

Nice Kuzhal kolam

judelined's picture

Bala from Chennai - oh!! please do attend the meet - please contact Lata immediately.

pudhu's picture
