Om gaNESAya namaH /|\

jkmrao's picture
About Om gaNESAya namaH /|\ : PRINT

This is something I started last year. The left part with four-fold symmetry was done last year in September. The right one with six-fold symmetry was done today. To mark the occasion of gaNESa pUjA, these are presented here. The elephant's ear is part of the OM after the dEvanAgari u. The eye of another elephant completes the Om. Thus this is a collage of the elephant shaped god and the praNava mantra Om together. The voids form flower-like structures.

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Om gaNESAya namaH /|\


Lata's picture

The designs look very nice. Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

mOhanji it looks different and very nice...

Purni's picture

Wonderful Patterns, JKMji..... Thanks a lot for sharing them with us....

judelined's picture

I just love the pattern on the left side... Wonderful creation JKM...

brindhanagesh's picture

Cute Ganesha as well as OM. Good combination of both JKMji.

rajamma_2's picture

OM and Ganesha merged nicely.