Old Wine in New Bottle Replica

dibbutn's picture
About Old Wine in New Bottle Replica : PRINT

This pattern was originally done by JKM sir. (http://www.ikolam.com/node/20749?p=1930) I dedicate this to him. Though not as good as the original, I just thought of attempting the most simplest pattern of his or so I thought would be the simplest Smile

Rangoli: Old Wine in New Bottle Replica


subashini's picture

lovely work pushpa dear.Today's special is for me.

ammuchandhini's picture

Ah...at last dear...glad that u started to do kolams also..i am so happy for u...this pinky kolam is too good pa..it has reached us smiling all d way from b'lore....

smahalakshmi's picture

Pushpa dear, welcome back. For a long time we missed a lot of your uploads. This pinky smiley kolam looks too beautiful. Nice dedication to our beloved JKM sir.


rajamma_2's picture

Pushpa, lovely pinky kolam. To get the weaving effect, mOhanaji's kolams are famous for, you should try to leave a little gap on the crossing of lines.

dibbutn's picture

Thank you all. Rajamma maam, yes i know the weaving effect is the highlight of JKM sir's kolam, next time i will try to do a much better job.

jkmrao's picture

From the thumbnail, it looked familiar. To my surprise when I opened it, I come to know it is the work of Mrs pushpA. I am so glad you've drawn this. Of course, I am flattered too for your nice gesture. It is indeed very beautiful in pink. I would like to see more from you in the near future.

Regards! - mOhana

Suguna Murugesan's picture

welcome back pushpa. nice treat for us from u! suguna murugesan

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

chooooooo cute.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

WOWWWWWWWWW what a lovely chintu kolam dear the dots looks so attractive ..Nice to see ur lovely kolam .keep it up dear

vasanthi's picture

welcome back pushpa with you so so cute kolam...we missed you and your creative works a lot pa...really nice dedication to JKM sir..

umaraja's picture

welcome back pushpa dear, nice to see ur submission after a gap, this wk looks excellent in pink

julien's picture

pushpa mam... really nice to draw this kolam.....

lakshmiraghu's picture

Pushpa, lovely pinky kolam.