New Year

kameswari's picture
About New Year : PRINT

This rangoli is created by Padmamma on the eve of new year 2009. It is a free hand rangoli

Rangoli: New Year


Lata's picture

Welcome back Ms.Kameswari, it has been a while. Thank you for sharing Ms.Padma's beautiful rangoli with all of us. Smile

kameswari's picture

Yes Lata madam, after a long time I could load this of padmamma only as I stopped putting rangolis for some time due to severe back pain. Whenever I go through Ikolam site I am longing to draw some kolams and update my gallery. It will take some more time for me to update my gallary

indira sundar's picture

Very beautiful...

Purni's picture

Bright & Beautiful Rangoli, Kameshwari Ma'am..... Do convey our Hearty regards to Padmammaji....

rajamma_2's picture

Padmammaa's Pasumai kolam romba jor.

jkmrao's picture

I like it! Looking forward to 2010, a bit early Smile

Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

It looks very very beautiful

judelined's picture

Kameshwari please do tell Padmamma how much we all like her rangoli Smile

kameswari's picture

Hi! everybody! I conveyed all your wishes and regards to Padmamma and she felt very happy after seeing her rangoli on website. Thanks for your encouragement

judelined's picture

Hey Kameshwari hope you get well soon Smile

kameswari's picture

Thank you Judelined. I am planning to draw rangolis from Navarathri