Naga and Shivalinga

jayamohan's picture
About Naga and Shivalinga : PRINT

When I see the topic of Nagabandhana by mOhanaji, I felt like adding my 'naga kolam' which fetched me a prize for the first time!

Rangoli: Naga and Shivalinga


Lata's picture

Very nicely drawn. Congratulations!
I wonder what other treasures you have in your box! Smile

jayamohan's picture

sure Viji! See the date of telecast date of this one-as early as Sept.2006-even before ikolam became active!
My son had saved it from the website, hence I could share it with you!

Lata's picture

Jaya ma'am, I think ikolam didn't reach you early enough!
I started ikolam in 2003, but kept it private for an year. But the following year, in 2004, iKolam was open to the public.
I'm glad we discovered you eventually, better late than never! Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

Jayaji, come up nicely...waiting to see some more...

gowri_ana's picture

what is the count of this kolam ?

Sumathi.v's picture

Very nice kolam Jaya Madam

viji_j86's picture

Congragulations Jaya.
Looks very nice.
Hereafter If at all selected like this first showcause us immediatly so that we can enjoy it seeing in the T>V> with animation o.k.?

jkmrao's picture

Very good and very late congratulations!
Yes, nAgabandha can be done in many many ways. In fact, take flat mat
and see how the weaving is done. You'll get lots of ideas Smile

Regards! - mOhana