
anirudh's picture
About NaagaBhanda : PRINT

Happy Naagara Panchami.
Here comes the NaagaBhanda from my collections, just scanned the old book, cleaned a bit and colored.
Dot counts 31 X 16 straight dots.

Rangoli: NaagaBhanda


ammuchandhini's picture

too many snakes..a bit scarry...but ur mild soft colours takes away my fear....lovely creation anirudh....

lakshmiraghu's picture

Anirudh thank u and wish u the same..Oh!! all ur nagas doing circus??good colour combination...

rajamma_2's picture

Nice less scary snake kolam. Inbetween yummy yummy biscuits?

sjnt's picture

Nice snakes, Their heads look like pen nibs to me. Your US trip is over? Howasit?

Rajusree's picture

Good nagabandhana kolam. Yes like Jeyanthy maam said it looks like nib to me and i like those colorful biscuits.

subashini's picture

your old collection is gold and bold collection.

anirudh's picture

thanks to all...happy to hear that these are less scary Smile ...nib heads attracted me for selecting this design.
yes Jayanthiji, over...back in India, the trip was good, but work was hectic Smile ...glad that we got the results fast.
Rajammaji...biscuits, i did not think of them...hope are they good for taming them Smile
yes Lakshmiji atleast in the rangolis let us make them to do circus...they usually make us to do the circus Smile

judelined's picture

Still not able to shake that fear out from me after seeing that snake opp my house 4 days ago - infact there was a much bigger snake 3 houses away from mine. Sorry Anirudh can't look deeply into this one to comment. Only think I saw at one glance is that all the snakes are dancing neatly Smile

Vinci's picture

Nice to see your kolam with nice colors. Anirudh its not scary to me as I see fountain pen's nib everywhere Smile